Nyamfowa 3:16

Mari yapinda we chokwadi ari "zero". English: A lie is a very expensive thing to maintain English:
Nyamfowa 3:13

Kana paina..panozoita iwe unogamuchira kuchengeteka. #iwe #ipa #kurongeka #gamuchira #kuchengete
Shona Rhymes

Learn new vocabulary from the Shona Library Book Series 21. Books in this series teach you simple rh

Add "hushingi" in Shona to your vocabulary. hushingi, nom Examples of hushingi Definite article:

Add "rubatsiro" in Shona to your vocabulary. rubatsiro, nom rubatsiro in other languages What is r

Add "hungwaru" in Shona to your vocabulary. hungwaru, nom Examples of hungwaru Definite article: